Monday, September 7, 2009

The Movie - Notre soleil

I recommend to look Notre soleil movie

Movie Is being made - in 1990.


Color Info: Color
Countries: France
Genres: Short, Comedy
Languages: French
Locations: France
Runtimes: France:4
Sound Mix: Dolby
Tech Info: LAB:Laboratoires de Tirages Cinématographiques, St. Cloud, Paris, France, OFM:35 mm, PFM:35 mm, RAT:1.85 : 1
Release Dates: France:15 February 1990, France:10 May 1991

In movie played:

Serge Esposito (actor)

Emmanuelle Aim (actress)

Johanna Aim (actress)

Christiane Azela (actress)

Patrick Gimenez (producer)

Eric Tellène (writer)

Tomasz Cichawa (cinematographer)

Bruno Dubois (composer)

Eric Tellène (director)

Claudine Merlin (editor)


The Movie - Lighthouse

We've seen Lighthouse movie

Movie Issued - in 2000.


Budget: $50,000
Color Info: Color
Countries: UK
Genres: Drama, Short
Languages: English
Locations: London, England, UK
Runtimes: UK:25
Release Dates: UK:10 October 2000

In movie have been taken:

Carl Schmitt (producer)

Mark Cairns (writer)

Martin Gschlacht (cinematographer)

Mark Cairns (director)

Dietmar Kraus (editor)


Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Movie - In the Event of a Zombie Attack (2008)

Said to be cool In the Event of a Zombie Attack movie

Movie Issued - in 2008.

DOWNLOAD In the Event of a Zombie Attack MOVIE NOW!

Based on the YEAR OF THE ZOMBIE calendar by Olympia's Blind Cartoonist/Artist Jeff Freels.
Budget: $500
Certificates: USA:Not Rated
Color Info: Color
Countries: USA
Genres: Short, Comedy, Horror
Languages: English
Locations: Olympia, Washington, USA, Tenino, Washington, USA
Runtimes: USA:16
Sound Mix: Dolby Digital
Tech Info: RAT:1.33 : 1
Release Dates: USA:8 February 2008, USA:15 February 2008, USA:13 June 2008
Know the Signs. Be Prepared. Stay ALIVE!

In movie have been taken:

Ryan Fields (actor)

Jeff Freels (actor)

Dennis Hoffer (actor)

Kent Schweikert (actor)

Nicolas Stender (actor)

Claire Cassidy (actress)
Birth Name: Cassidy, Angela Claire
Niece of actress/make-up artist Janet Cassidy. Great-grandmother was a costume designer. Grew up training and showing dogs.

Kathy Cowley (actress)

Valerie Levesque (actress)

Erin K. Mitchell (actress)

Telisa Steen (actress)

Jeff Freels (producer)

Raquel Salinas (producer)

V.L. Wittstruck (producer)

W.L. Wittstruck (producer)

Jeff Freels (writer)

W.L. Wittstruck (writer)

Kevin MacLeod (composer)

Kevin Wilkinson (composer)

W.L. Wittstruck (composer)

Ryan Fields (miscellaneous crew)

Jeff Freels (miscellaneous crew)

Dennis Hoffer (miscellaneous crew)

Robert C. Meese Jr. (miscellaneous crew)

Raquel Salinas (miscellaneous crew)

DOWNLOAD In the Event of a Zombie Attack MOVIE NOW!

This movie can be found by requests zombie, psuedo-instructional, based-on-calendar, independent-film

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Movie - L'eredit di Caino (2006)

People recommend L'eredità di Caino movie

Movie Is being made - in 2006.

DOWNLOAD L'eredità di Caino MOVIE NOW!

Budget: € 120,000
The motion see in your mind`s eye narrate the association as regard the central person, Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, and four women: Wanda von Dunajev (the Venus contained by Fur), Anna Klauer (a separate prostitute), the Maid (almost a mother figure), and the Contess Aunt Xenobia (the early sexual impulse). Haidée - both the leading character's delirious alter ego and instigator of measures - usher his host untill he awaken the deepest actuality of all one of the characters. Haidée's daydream reveal the characters' truth, lies, memoirs, projection, fears and suffering in a context which be more enthusiastic than narrative.
Color Info: Color
Countries: Italy
Genres: Drama
Languages: Italian
Runtimes: Italy:82

In movie played:

Cristina Golotta (actress)

Anna Mascino (actress)

Giorgio Montresor (producer)

Alessandro Zonin (cinematographer)

Luca Acito (director)

Sebastiano Montresor (director)

Luca Acito (editor)

Sebastiano Montresor (editor)

DOWNLOAD L'eredità di Caino MOVIE NOW!

This movie in the Internet can be found by requests dream, fear, love, masochism, cube, sex, independent-film

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Movie - Intre oglinzi paralele (1978)

Not bad - Intre oglinzi paralele movie (Tra specchi paralleli).

Movie Is being made - in 1978.

DOWNLOAD Intre oglinzi paralele NOW!

Color Info: Color
Countries: Romania
Genres: Drama
Languages: Romanian
Locations: Bucharest, Romania
Sound Mix: Mono
Tech Info: OFM:35 mm, PFM:35 mm
Release Dates: Romania:1978

In movie played:

Ion Caramitru (actor)
Birth Notes: Bucharest, Romania
Other Works: 1965-1990 - Actor and administrator at "Lucia Sturdza Bulandra" Theatre, Bucharest Since 1976 - Acting professor at I.L.Caragiale Academy of Drama and Film, Bucharest December 22, 1989 - accomplice of the the Executive Office of the National Salvation Front Council, President of the Commission delimited by favour of Culture February 1990-May 1990 - Vice-President of the Provisional Council for National Union, accountable beside the Commission for nation and youth February 15, 1990 - President of UNITER (Theatre Union of Romanian) 1990-1993 - General Manager of "Lucia Sturdza Bulandra" Theatre 1996-2000 - Minister of Culture Since 2001 - Vice-President of PNTCD
Minister of Culture of Romania between 1996 and 2000., Organizer and host of the UNITER gala, an annual award ceremony for achievements in Romanian theatre., One of the leaders of the Romanian anticommunist revolution of 1989.
Spouse: 'Mihaela Caracas' (? - ?); 3 children
Birth Date: 9 March 1942

Cornel Ciupercescu (actor)

George Constantin (actor)
Birth Notes: Bucharest, Romania
Graduate of the Institute of Theater and Cinematographic Art (IATC), Bucharest
Birth Date: 3 May 1933

Virgil David (actor)

Fory Etterle (actor)
Death Notes: Bucharest, Romania
Birth Notes: Ploiesti, Jud. Prahova, Romania
Death Date: 16 September 1983
Graduate of the Dramatic Arts Conservatory, Bucharest.
Birth Date: 24 May 1908

Ovidiu Iuliu Moldovan (actor)
Death Notes: Bucharest, Romania (cancer)
Birth Notes: Sarmas, Judetul Cluj, Romania
Death Date: 12 March 2008
Birth Date: 1 January 1942

Corado Negreanu (actor)

Adrian Pintea (actor)
Articles: "Q magazine" (Romania), 30 April 2007, pg. 22-25, by: Vintila, Miruna, "Adrian si Lavinia Pintea, dintotdeauna pentru intotdeauna", "Gardianul" (Romania), 27 February 2007, pg. 10, by: Preda, Anamaria, "Mecenatul roman nu stie secat sa dea in mingea de fotbal", "Gandul" (Romania), 28 December 2006, Iss. 508, pg. 10, by: Badalan, Alina, "Cum sa dai viata cu palma stanga", "Taifasuri" (Romania), 7 April 2005, Iss. 7, pg. 20-21, by: Dobre, Irina, "Lavinia Pintea Tatomir, o paranormala foarte normala", "National" (Romania), 26 November 2004, Iss. 2404, pg. 11, by: Ene, Patricia, "Daca as fi animal, as fi cal", "Independent" (Romania), 9 October 2004, Iss. 1078, pg. 16, by: D. B., "Un Jeep pentru Pintea", "TV satelit" (Romania), 25 September 2004, Iss. 324, pg. 66, by: Camara, Ghedi, "Numele de cod: Haiduc", "Evenimentul Zilei" (Romania), 8 March 2004, pg. 2, by: Nistorescu, Cornel, "Iubesti Bucuresti", "Adevarul" (Romania), 10 August 2003, Iss. 4079, pg. 3, by: Mordeanu, Cristina, "Actorii dein generatia mea nu mai sunt cautati pe piata", "National" (Romania), 1 December 2002, Iss. 1739, pg. 2, by: Dorian, Dana, "Am iubit prea devreme si prea intens", "Radio Romania" (Romania), 14 November 2002, pg. 8-9, by: Niculescu, Ionut, "Noblete si drama", "Story" (Romania), 4 September 2002, Iss. 12, pg. 17-18, by: Paduraru, Andreea, "Dosar de star - Adrian Pintea", "National" (Romania), 31 August 2002, Iss. 1647, pg. 12, by: R. N., "click - telefonul rosu", "Teatrul azi" (Romania), July 2002, pg. 10-11, by: Stancu, Natalia, "Adrian Pintea si Marius Chivu in Thomas A Becket", "DaKINO" (Romania), 2000, Iss. 10, pg. 4, by: D. D., "Juriul - film de fictiune", "Adevarul" (Romania), 18 November 1999, pg. 5, by: Modreanu, Cristina, "Adrian Pintea a ales dupa Hamlet, Beckett", "Azi Cultural" (Romania), 15 November 1999, pg. 23, by: Budeanu, Irina, "O confruntare istorica si culturala"
Death Notes: Bucharest, Romania (complications from cirrhosis, pulmonary and kidney hypertension)
Height: 172 cm
Birth Notes: Beius, Bihor, Romania
Magazine Covers: "Gandul" (Romania), 28 December 2006, Iss. 508, "Life & Style" (Romania), October 2002, Iss. 11, "Timpul Liber" (Romania), 2 May 2002, Iss. 137, "CNM" (Romania), 13 January 1997, Iss. 277
Other Works: Pintea Adrian, Dumitru Solomon, Florin Zamfirescu: Scoala de teatru si socul prezentului (I), Timpuri Noi - Tata (music video), Adrian Pintea: Hamlet sau actorul lucid - Ed. Alfa 2002 - ISBN: 973-8171-36-9, Adrian Pintea: Pamantul americanului - Ed. Eminescu 1996 - ISBN: 973-22-0455-9, Adrian Pintea: Cântec ; Desen ; Cântecul albastru... (poems), Adrian Pintea: Umbrit (poems) - Ed. Florile dalbe, 2003 - ISBN: 973-98217-8-2, Adrian Pintea: "Actorii din generatia mea nu mai sunt cautati pe piata"
Birth Name: Pintea, Adrian Virgil
Spouse: 'Lavinia Pintea' (qv) (25 December 2000 - 8 June 2007) (his death)
Death Date: 8 June 2007
Interviews: "7 plus" (Romania), 6 August 2005, pg. 16, by: Tomescu, Ciprian, "Un Cuplu cu energii pozitive Adrian Pintea si sotia sa, Lavinia", "Gardianul" (Romania), 29 October 2004, Iss. 739, pg. 9, by: Draghici, Ramona, "Nu cred ca reprezint cultura <>!", "Libertatea" (Romania), 22 September 2004, Iss. 4446, pg. 3, by: Voicu, Claudia, "Sotia Lui Adrian Pintea", "Star" (Romania), 13 May 2004, Iss. 101, pg. 8-9, by: N. Stoian, Mircea, "Interviu cu Adrian Pintea", "Beau Monde" (Romania), May 2004, Iss. 4, pg. 81-82, by: Dumitrascu, Simona Calancea, "stil masculin - Adrian Pintea", "Femeia" (Romania), September 2003, pg. 8-11, by: Musat-Coman, Carmen, "Lavinia si Adria Pinrea - Intr-un cuplu, se unesc doua libertati!", "Life&Style" (Romania), October 2002, Iss. 11, pg. 6-12, by: Barca, Diana Evantia, "De la "Hamlet" la ... "Romeo si Julieta"", "Timpul Liber" (Romania), 2 May 2002, Iss. 137, pg. 10-13, by: Doina Toma, "Gazdele saptamanii - Lavinia si Adrian Pintea"
Birth Date: 9 October 1954

Dorel Visan (actor)
Birth Notes: Tauseni, Cluj, Romania
Spouse: 'Visan, Maria' (30 December 1964 - 14 July 1993) (her death); 3 children
Birth Date: 25 June 1937

Elena Albu (actress)
Birth Notes: Iasi, Moldova, Romania
Birth Date: 1 September 1949

Rodica Tapalaga (actress)
Birth Notes: Dorohoi, Moldova, Romania
Sister of 'Stefan Tapalaga' (qv), Graduate in 1959 of the "Theater and Cinematografic Art Institute" of Bucharest
Birth Date: 12 January 1939

Dumitru Fernoaga (producer)

Camil Petrescu (writer)
Death Date: 14 May 1957
Birth Notes: Bucharest, Romania
Born enclosed by Bucharest completed April 22, 1884, Camil Petrescu saggy his both parents precipitate in his life span and be raise next to a virtual. Very on the breadline, he cram assiduously, carry out to frequent himself, and deferred, at age of 29 is a learner at the Philosophy University in Bucharest. In 1916, send to the facade in WWI, is losses and taken detainee by the Austro - Hungarians. Released in 1918, he describe his time of war personal a evaluation in his 1930 innovative "Ultima noapte de dragoste, intaia noapte de razboi" (the Last Night of Love, the First Night of War), and 1933 novel "Patul lui Procust" (Procust's Bed). Teacher in Timisoara, superintendent of National Theater in Bucharest, contributor of Academy since 1947. Dies on May 14, 1957 in Bucharest.
Birth Date: 22 April 1894

Mircea Veroiu (writer)
Birth Notes: Tirgu Jiu, Romania
Death Date: December 1997
Member of the jury at the Berlin International Film Festival in 1991
Birth Date: 29 April 1941

Calin Ghibu (cinematographer)
Birth Notes: Bucharest, Romania
Birth Date: 23 April 1939

Hortensia Georgescu (costume designer)
Birth Notes: Saliste, Sibiu, Romania
Birth Date: 3 December 1909

Mircea Veroiu (director)
Birth Notes: Tirgu Jiu, Romania
Death Date: December 1997
Member of the jury at the Berlin International Film Festival in 1991
Birth Date: 29 April 1941

Grigorita Rogobete (miscellaneous crew)

Stefan Antonescu (production designer)
Birth Notes: Bucharest, Romania
Graduate in 1973 of the Architectural Academy of Bucharest.
Birth Date: 18 January 1945

DOWNLOAD Intre oglinzi paralele NOW!

By the way This movie in search engines is found by requests based-on-opera

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Movie - Kafe daikanyama II: Yume no tsuzuki (2008)

I enjoyed Kafe daikanyama II: Yume no tsuzuki movie

Movie Issued - in 2008.


Color Info: Color
Countries: Japan
Languages: Japanese
Release Dates: Japan:25 October 2008

In movie have been taken:

Hiroki Aiba (actor)
Birth Notes: Chiba, Japan
Birth Date: 1 October 1987

Toru Baba (actor)

Ren Kiriyama (actor)

Genki Okawa (actor)

Masaharu Take (director)


Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Movie - Komsomolsk mon amour

Leads the ratings - Komsomolsk mon amour movie

Movie Is being made - in 2007.


Budget: CAD 30,000
A motion weigh universal awake contribute or rob a few the urban of Komsomolsk-on-Amur in the Russian Far East, its ancient times and present-day struggle, see through the eye of young at heart folks, appealing Communists, ex labor-camp prisoner, and the area avant-garde theater KnAM, performing a "slow reading" of Dostoevsky's Notebooks. The film be base against monitor shot in 2004, 2005, and 2006 and excerpt of Soviet features and archival footage. Born in 1932 and positioned at the "edge of approach of life span," Komsomolsk is static a city largely closed to foreigner. A crucial encampment of the Soviet Gulag, it is also the nest of one of the record crucial hub of the Russian military-industrial overrun. Telling a astoundingly falling short account of continuation and optimism in the brutal requisites of post-Soviet Russia, the film also innovates in the clash and knock of its imagery. Views of the majestic Amur River alternate near the discoloured and rectilinear alleys of the socialist city and its industrial tactic out. Teenagers forecast break dance and motocross in outlook of hard going monument to the glory of the city's first builders. Old Communists in predetermined of economically as former prisoners remind their heroic youth, and stimulated artist allotment a world-view where on earth inventiveness and Sovietness coexist in an atypical closeness.
Color Info: Color, Black and White
Countries: Canada
Genres: Documentary
Languages: Russian
Runtimes: 55
Tech Info: RAT:1.33 : 1
Release Dates: USA:15 September 2007, Canada:28 October 2007, USA:28 October 2007, Germany:14 August 2008

In movie have been taken:

Thomas Lahusen (producer)

Tracy McDonald (writer)

Alexander Gershtein (cinematographer)

Thomas Lahusen (director)

Tracy McDonald (director)

Thomas Lahusen (editor)


This movie can be found also by requests labor-camp, industrial-zone, historical-truth, communism, youth-culture

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